Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Power of One Party at Trigger: A Charity Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Entertainers Jason Brock, John Weber, Saybeline, and Frankie

Hosts John Weber and Donald Cooper presented a wondrous charity tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. at Trigger in San Francisco on Jan. 15 that brought out the best of the LGBT community and its supporters. Trigger is one of the few bars or lounges in the Castro that features employees who are both attractive and friendly, and that is because owner Greg Bronstein would not have it any other way.

Event founder Weber not only spoke inspirationally, he also sang with conviction as he does throughout the year — and most notably on the back of a moving truck at Sandy "Mama" Reinhardt’s annual Leather Walk. He was joined by entertainers Cockatelia, Jason Brock, reigning Emperor Stephen Dorsey, Saybeline, and Frankie, among others.

John Weber singing with conviction

The event was entitled “The Power of One” and it was the third and most successful production for charity. Each guest was persuaded to contribute money, a day of volunteer work, and non-perishable food for the needy.

The event was sponsored by HandsOn Bay Area, John Weber and Our Love, and Stop AIDS Project. Greatly admired Stop AIDS Project executive director Kyriell Noon was there to meet and greet, but he did not sing to the multitude.

Guests enjoying the show

The beneficiaries included Our Love, the SF LGBTQ Speakers Bureau, and the San Francisco Food Bank.

Sylvester Awards were given to Kyriell Noon, Bevan Dufty, and Bebe Sweetbriar.

Co-host Weber summed up the feeling of many at the party with remarks about the need to reach out to LGBT youth to help them deal with bullying issues and build their self-esteem. The charities that the event benefited can help to reach that goal.

Entertainers Cockatelia and Saybeline

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